Is Your EVP as Good as the French Musketeers’?

Is Your EVP as Good as the French Musketeers’?

In the past four centuries, much research has been done and countless books and articles have been written about employer branding. Yet, despite all that we have learned, the French musketeers designed a better EVP in 1618 than what many companies come up with today.

Your EVP is one of your greatest weapons in attracting the right kind of talent. If it isn’t as good as the French musketeers’, it’s time to take another look at it.

Read the full article here.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall was named the 2019-2020 Employer Brand Leader of the Year and has successfully built and launched five Fortune 500 employer brands. She is an in-demand international speaker and the global employer brand lead at Danaher Corporation.